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Christianity Becomes A Religion
What does it mean to be a Christian? Being a believer and follower of Jesus the Messiah is actually quite simple. We need to know who this man is and why we need his gift. Religion has made becoming a believer difficult. Formalism can be a hindrance to becoming a new creation. Religion has over centuries, developed a church structure that adds a burden of obligations and rituals to earn our redemption." The protestant reformers departed somewhat from the formalities and structure of the Roman Church. Thankfully, Martin Luther, Calvin and others opened the door to 'faith alone,' 'grace alone,' and 'scriptures alone, but retained sacramental-ism and sacerdotal-ism, which retains a form of the priestly officiant. Jesus, Yeshua of Nazareth, did not come to establish a religion but a called-out supernatural priesthood of believers. (Exodus 19;6) The Gospels reveal Christ's identity as the Son of God, divinely begotten in human flesh. He was born to fulfill one purpose, to be presented in due time as the Messiah and king of Israel. Jesus was revealed as God's sacrificial lamb, see Isaiah's prophecy in c.53. John the baptist received this revelation and proclaimed it. Jesus of Nazareth carried the fullness of the Holy Spirit and provided all humanity with his transformational GIFT. Jesus brought the gift of REDEMPTION that was promised prophetically and prefigured from Genesis and all of the Old Testament. Today people have all kinds of notions about what it means to be a Christian? This is usually connected with traditions of institutional Christian sects called denominations. Some may believe they are Christians by virtue of faithful church attendance. Christians can be caught in the web of religious requirements, sacramental laws that are thought to guarantee God's approval and eternal life. Jesus advised the disciples to extend the gift of salvation to encompass a body of believers by making disciples in all the world. Jesus is the head of the body. An officiating priest class has assumed the accepted mode for instructing and maintaining the faith since before the time of the first Christian emperor, Constantine. The so called protestant reformation did little to change Christian religion. The clergy (priest-overseer) still continues as the authority and headship over the laity. However, the reformation did make one important breakthrough, namely it gave common people access to Bible texts making it possible for anyone with the knowledge of reading to grow in the knowledge of God's Word of Truth. Perhaps you are among those questioned or rejected Christianity because of formalism and rituals. These can be a distraction to some while others find comfort in them. One can only imagine that God has any interest in what goes on in that church house, even though it is commonly called "God's house." There was a time when the Almighty manifested his presence in the temple or tabernacle. In the first days of the birth of the church God showed Himself with great manifestations of the Spirit. Some say those days are past. They that hold such doctrine are called secessionists. While God does not seem to be present anymore among most churches congregations seek leaders who offer them something to make the visit to that church on Sunday worthwhile. So they search for well-spoken and eloquent men who can promote a relevant message presented in a pleasing and entertaining way. Church or temple or mosque attendance for a millions is a matter of mandatory participation.
Searching For Something
to Persuade Us of the Reality of GOD Anyone who has ever entered a book store knows that there are thousands of books written to address a seeker’s questions. Hundreds of new books are written each year increasing the already glutted archive of RELIGION. The motivations of the authors mostly support traditional doctrines but offer a new insight or understanding. I fear that the principal motivation of most authors is to add to their bank account.
is in the Christian world today with a proliferation of
Their success is measured the way as worldly celebrities, by their notoriety
and visibility. Christian conferences are huge money makers. These "big-name"
Christians continuously crank out new book titles, videos or teaching
series for commercial consumption. The consumption of new
Christian knowledge is a massive industry. It is
making many preachers and performers rich. Outreach is one thing; gaining
personal wealth and merchandising the things of God is quite another! I believe that what I will share here will echo other voices who are expressing a view that the "spiritual life" can exist and flourish outside of formal and institutional religion. Make no mistake, I became a believer in Jesus and the Bible only by the grace of God. God called me aside to my own "burning-bush" encounter with a Holy God. I am one more voice that testifies to a transformed life through the "power of God." God calls and provides the power to be "saved" or born again. Sadly, many church goers take offense at the notion that some Christian claim to be "Born Again." First, let me affirm that traditional Christianity that has been the sustaining foundation and moral backbone of America. America has been blessed by God and has stood as a righteous nation and a light to the nations of the world. Since the Pilgrims, Christian teachings and beliefs have provided a framework of righteousness and justice that elevated the United States. Clearly, the Christian Religion, even with its shortcomings, has provided a social foundation endorsing morality, justice and human rights for millions. Children are best nurtured in a home where Bible based values are practiced. Unfortunately the moral foundations provided by Christian values are rapidly dissolving with the onslaught of a secularism. A sentiment continually reinforced by public media having a political, anti-Christian bias. The secular, anti-Christian United Nations is now promoting the view that Christianity is actually a danger to society and equivalent to terrorism. Unlike the world of sixty years ago, we are continuously bombarded with media music, imagery and stories that are an offense to morality. "The thoughts and imagination of their hearts were only evil, continually." (Genesis 6:5) While church houses are losing membership their leaders seek new ways to attract congregants and doing so, move farther from the essentials of the Gospel. Today, tens of millions of nominal (religious) Christians remain 'faithful church goers,' but of these, too few seem passionately interested in Biblical Christianity. How many are so immersed in worldly views and interests that they set aside seeking first God's Kingdom. Few seek to grow in the knowledge of God unless God personally draws them by His Spirit. Elsewhere on this site, I share howGod worked to transform my own life.
of The New Life
The Miracle of Transformation Through the Power
of God" God has always loved us. ("God so loved the world.. "John.3:16) He grieves the fact that humanity exists in a fallen state, with darkened minds and weakness. What we call The GOSPEL is how the Almighty in ages past foresaw the need of retrieving humanity from its fallen and accursed state. The WAY is through His Son, Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. It is God Himself, who provides the necessary 'measure of faith to enable those who seek Him. A supernatural transformation is available for those who come to believe the Truth. He rewards those who seek. This is "the Gift of God." If you believe in the Gift whose name is Yeshua (Jesus), God's Son, will open your eyes. He will speak to you through the Holy Spirit. (John. 9) His name "Yeshua" means "Jehovah is salvation." The Greek version, "Jesus" is the Christianized version. The Greek translated name Jesus does not immediately associate with "Salvation." (Christos -Greek- means anointed one.) I believe that title can hinder some from understanding his correct name and title. Of course he hears and responds to both names, He will act to let you partake in the gift and wonders of the eternal life to come. Through the Grace of God we may experience that supernatural event, a miraculous change takes place in our spirit. Regeneration is also applies begining the life of "a new man (or woman)â€. With the regenerated spirit, through the power of Almighty God, we are inwardly impelled to grow in the knowledge of the Lord. If we choose to seize the life ring thrown to us, we can begin a new Spiritual life. We open the door to the Kingdom of heaven and begin gradually discovering our status as a saint and disciple of God.
New Believers are
Tender Saplings Easily Bent Three Guides in Discerning the Right Gospel
*The true GOSPEL
is defined by
the Right Jesus; the Right Gospel; and The Right Spirit.
Judging whether a person is adhering to the RIGHT GOSPEL is not an easy thing. We are charged by the original apostles of Jesus to make this judgment. 1. Believe in the right Jesus: Who is this Jesus? What are his credentials? Is he just a teacher; just a prophet; or the sinless, virgin-born Son of God? 2. Understand if it is the right Gospel? What are the attributes of the gospel? Are there mandatory obligations to perform to earn righteousness and salvation? Is there liberty through grace; or a combination of law and grace? The tension between Biblical authenticity and spiritual error (apostasy) has been ongoing since the days of the first apostles. 3.Discern is it of The Right Spirit must be demonstrated by the members and their spokespersons of that gospel. Does it advocate behaviors that are worldly, sensual or devilish. Is the flesh exalted. Does it de-emphasize the finished work of the cross? (2 Corinthians 11:4) The true Gospel of Grace hasn't changed but it has been dangerously distorted. In some cases demolished by religious traditions. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God still remains. Jesus taught his disciples to pray for the Kingdom to come and be established on earth as it is in Heaven. We who believe in a future millennium view of scripture still await the day when Messiah, Jesus, will sit upon the throne of David and physically rule over a transformed earth. He will rule and reign literally upon the “Throne of Davidâ€. Jesus (Yeshua of Nazareth) was and is the "King of the Jews" just as Herod inscribed on the cross. Upon this cross he bore the sin of all humankind. Herod asked Jesus, "Are you a King?"Jesus answered, "You say it rightly, but now my kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my people would fight, but now it is not of this world." We look forward to the day when The King will come in power and great glory. He will bring supernatural destruction upon those who chose to reject the Messiah's gift of salvation and have chosen the lie to serve and worship a false messiah who those dwelling upon the earth will welcome. At the second advent Jesus will reign in righteousness with a rod of iron. Every knee will bow in recognition of that fact. The gospel of grace has extended to the time of this writing. Jesus when he announced his ministry, quoted Isaiah C. 61 "the acceptable year of the Lord." It is the year of God’s favor which we proclaim. (Isa.61v1 and v2 in part) From the church age dispensation until the removal of that body we are and have been living in "the acceptable year of the Lord" or the age of His favor. The time of the Lord's favor extends to the end of the "church age." My intent here in writing this, is to proclaim those first principles that were taught by the disciples of Jesus Christ. Jesus' half brother Jude, told us to 'earnestly contend for the faith once and for all given to the saints.' (Jude vs 3) These writings are not subsidized by any religious body or denomination. I leave it up to the Holy Spirit to propagate and affirm the understandings shared here. It is also the domain of the Father to CALL those individuals who He chooses to read and to inspire.
will find the teachings I share are didactic, meaning that they
are presented
as entirely accurate and factual. These
are not theological, philosophical or theoretical opinions. This knowledge
was not gained from second hand accounts or through religious indoctrination,
but from more than thirty years of serious scripture study. The Gospel however, is not subject to redefinition or updating. Its proofs are borne out by first-hand experience. According to ancient law, the truth is verified by the testimony of two or more reliable witnesses. These witnesses remain the Holy and long-standing voices of the Word recorded in Scripture. These voices are a more sure testimony and become the litmus test of any doctrine or experience that one might promote. The way of truth in God is known in varying degrees by shockingly too few. The apostle Paul states the reality that, "We know in part. "The masses have been victims of religious paradigms shaped by church-house religion over the past 17 centuries. Yet, I believe there is today a growing remnant awakening to a desire to return to the roots of Christendom. The paradigm of religious formalism is now being challenged by many who gather in small Spirit-led groups. For these, there is a hunger for true spiritual fellowship that offers more liberty, more simplicity, more understanding and more power. I would pray that traditions be replaced with fellowships that experience the living presence of God. Simply being a spectator in a church service (program) should be replaced by a desire to participate actively as a true disciple of Christ and grow in the God centered life. The religious creature, is tenacious and any changes are always met with resistance. This is a creature of deeply invested interests. I anticipate that whatever I write here will be challenged by theological orthodoxy. Religious leaders, experts, theologians, academicians, are invested in the institutional church and profit from their doctrines and dogma. Truth, however, is the final arbiter and it is upon that basis that each of us will be judged for what we have done and said.
The calling out
of the saints: 1 Corinthians 1:26: How and When Do We Awaken to Faith and Belief? Religion abounds in the societies of the world. It is inextricable part of the cultures of most nations. It is a full time concern to many who see religion as a life style or a career path. Several definitions seem apropos to Religion, one might be a codified belief system meant to draw people into favor with their God/god. It is a platform from which debates and disagreements are launched which can result in violence even warfare. The Gospel without Religion is not a book about theology. I am not a theologian. I have no required seminary credentials. This is one man's testimony of God's kind interaction with one person by what we call grace. Moreover, his love and grace have empowered me both to seek him and to know him and draw wisdom and understanding from His Word. I believe that this message can encourage those who, like myself, were never given satisfactory answers to deep spiritual questions and remain hungry, asking, "Is there is a God, and if He is, does he even notice me?" Awakened from Dead Religious Tradition My questions and spiritual curiosity were not answered by denominational churches that I attended from my youth through adulthood. The services or ceremonies that were offered on meeting days revealed nothing of God's reality or demonstrated his 'presumed' love and power. It was however, God who I ultimately met and who impacted my life, personally and powerfully outside of religion. May these experiences bring hope and assurance to others.
will likely have various responses to this message:
Yet there are a few looking for the authentic Christian, spiritual life without the flimflam of religion. It is these who, I believe, will receive it. Inevitable criticism may result from this writing, and it will no doubt be harsher from those ensconced in institutional religion. The Pharisees of of today hold on to their hard won credentials that set them apart from the common folk. And of course, there is always that population of unbelieving secularists (most political quarters) who are disinclined to read anything of this topic in the first place. The heart of this Jesus Gospel (good news) has always been predicated on being simple, gentle and peaceable, but none the less, it always meets with resistance and "offense" because of its spiritual nature. The age we are living in, as mentioned, is turning away from the simple, essential gospel principles described in Hebrews 6. The apostasy is growing more acute, departing from the faith. They seek to have their ears tickled by feel-good preachers who teach a gospel of love and acceptance, without judgment. It is human nature to fight to defend one's own beliefs. People have been fighting and dying over what they consider to be "right and true" for thousands of years. Opposing belief systems especially religion does not give up without a fight. Our highly charged human egos are born and nurtured within the domain of materialism, worldliness, and self-serving, within the status-quo of its institutions. Religious institutions today, are imbued with this world's thinking, attributes of worldliness. They seek worldly influence, worldly recognition, earthly rewards. The world's religious systems have their own vested interests. To be blunt, religion as we know it represents a significant economic and political power. Christian theology today is becoming increasingly a repudiation of Apostolic doctrine. Emergent Christianity blends other faiths with Christian traditions and is quickly departing from the belief in Biblical Inerrancy. The simplest belief system is that God is good and he loves everybody and would not send someone who lived their best life to an eternal hell. This is universalism.
TGWR is written
principally for unbelievers at least those individuals who have not experienced
God's presence and power. I am aware that there are "tares" who populate
churches. There are unbelievers both in and outside of the church experience.
Too many do not realize to what extent they have been blinded by church
house traditions. For unbelief is the enemy of church people as much as
for 'unbelievers.' For church house Christians, both laity and clergy
it is a terrible thing to know about God only in religious terms but not
know God! Among all the billions of people upon the earth, knowing God is not an ultimate priority. Everyone will eventually be confronted by this reality and I pray it will not be too late. As it is written, "every knee will bow before Him, and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Lord." For millions this knowledge will come too late and the door of life will have been closed. There is a difference between knowing about God and knowing God.
Confusing Disparities of Christian Religion Religion may be an intellectual study for some, a career preparation for others. From an anthropologist's point of view, religion simply revolves around the belief in "spirits" as defined by Margaret Mead. Religions lead to wars and conflict. The crusades were a terrible demonstration of wrong Christian beliefs. Inhumanities have been wrought through religion and never in conformity to the Gospel of Christ. The crusades, persecutions and slaughter of the Waldensians and Reformers; and the inquisition were chapters in Catholicism that further demonstrated an ungodly abuse of power under the rule of God on earth. Beware when religion is politically empowered on earth. Christianity in the age of grace presents a message of love, acceptance and forgiveness. There is no murder, or violence in the practice of Christianity. It does not extend its membership through conquest and forced submission as Roman Catholicism has practiced and Islam yet practices. Destruction and judgment against unbelievers has never been a part of the true Gospel. God in his own, will judge each living soul. In the Gospel of Grace, there is an invitation to come freely and receive. We partake in the power of Jesus' love, and forgiveness. Swords are not instruments to convert the unbeliever, but rather the demonstration of the supernatural power of God motivated by Love. It is this that converts the heart and persuades each that there is a loving God in heaven. Our loving Father desires that no one dies under condemnation. "God so loved the world.. ," John 3:16 is the often quoted text extending God's offer of redemption. There is still great ignorance and confusion about Christianity. Christianity has come to be viewed only within the limiting frame of institutional religion not its true Spiritual aspect that is both simple and profound. The true church is a Spiritual body of which Christ is the head. The world knows Christianity as a system of belief as well as traditions and lifestyles associated with particular churches. America was founded under Christian precepts as our founding fathers made clear testimony. But at the present time, if the truth were known, I believe that we would have far fewer true Christians than any census documentation reveals. Those who are called Christians in polls and surveys most often reflect an involvement with church membership and activities. Membership roles are quite irrelevant to being or not being a Christian. Those who profess to believe in Christianity are made up of three distinct breeds: Political Christians: This category designates to distinguish them from other ethnic or cultural sects. We see these referred to frequently in the media to designate the sects within countries or political regions. Most of the time these are contrasted with contrary ideologies; often at war, or embroiled in strife with other groups. Typical of political religious rivalry such as that of the conflict in the former Yugoslavia, which dates back to the factional disputes of the 15th century. Here are three ethnic factions, Muslims, Serbs and Croats, religious- political groups seemingly without any knowledge of a spiritual life and peace. In Ireland divisions remain after generations of religious and political strife, Irish Catholics in hatred and strife continue to war against Irish Protestants and Protestants against Catholics. In the decade prior to World War 2, so-called German Christians began to commit outrages against German Jews in the name of racial purity. For over 2 centuries 'Christian' crusaders waged Holy Wars against the Muslim Turks in the Holy Land and at the same time thought it was pleasing to God to torture and destroy any called Jews. Religious Christians are actively involved with some form of institutional Christianity. Within this group are tens of millions of church-goers who fill the pews in hundreds of church congregations each week. Each of these religious 'churches' or denominations follows long-held traditions of their respective denomination. Christian denominations have extensive power and interests both social and economic. The business of religion still maintains at its heart a sense of morality and righteous principals. Do Church Leaders Qualify As Spokespersons for God? The clergy, our familiar religious leadership, has long been esteemed has a high and noble calling, although a skeleton may turn up occasionally in the closet of a clergy person now and then. The lands and real estate assets of churches are vast. Each denomination builds great buildings as centers of worship and strictly supervise and train their clergy to act as priests-overseers of the faith. The sad reality is that the denominations of today are little different from any ancient priesthood. The Scribes, and Pharisees of Jesus' day had authority over the people but the Lord Jesus had little good to say about them. Clergy for the most part are approved by human authority. They are credentialed religious institutions.
Today I believe that
traditional forms of religious Christianity may be the single greatest
hindrance to effectively experiencing God. In this nation as well as others,
Christianity in its formal traditions is the accepted norm . Let us not
be confused to believe that the Gospel is a philosophy or an intellectual
concept. It is breakthrough discovery that the Gospel demonstrating the
Power of God will impact
our lives at the deepest possible level. In its true operation, the power
of the gospel can transform us into an adopted son or daughter of God.
Religion: a metaphor: It seems as though religious Christians have been injected with something which seems to make them immune to experiencing the authentic Spiritual Life of the Kingdom of God. However, there are many believers among the denominations have received the knowledge of God through the Lord Jesus Christ in a profound and intimate way. The kingdom and the power of God are not the privy to any brand of religion but work around and through it. Third Category: Authentic Christians
is A Christian? Are we born
Christians, Are we Christians because we were not born Buddhist or Muslim?
Are we Christians because our parents were Christians? Are we Christians
because of a religious rite? The Bible reveals that we become Christians
not by a religious rite, but by a spiritual encounter authored by Almighty
God. My hope and prayer is that those seeking truth, both religious and non religious, Christian and non Christian, continue in the Word which will open the door to the Kingdom of God, with its power and glory of Eternal Life. May the God of all creation reveal Himself to you, draw you into His family, and bring forth His kingdom, love, and liberty in your life. (Luke 4:18) Reconstruction of the Human Spirit, the New Creation - The Body of Christ Spiritual Christians are authentic Christians. They are created in no other way than by Divine will and action. These constitute the membership of the Kingdom of God, without regard to any earthly institutional affiliation. The true church is not a building or a piece of real estate. It is a spiritual body, it is called the "Body of Christ. " This body is universal, apart from any designation of race, creed or nationality, it is without any denominational label and without sectarian or geographical boundaries. The Bible reveals that we become Christians not by a religious rite, but by a Spiritual encounter with the person of God. God receives us in "friendship" and extends fellowship of his family to us. This fellowship is granted in the name of the only begotten Son of God, namely Jesus, Yeshua of Nazareth. He is the Messiah of Israel who is coming again to rule the world.
Mentally acknowledging this doctrine is one
thing, but experiencing the transformative power of God, is quite another.
The Gospel is a gospel not only of intellectual fact but of power.
It is a life changing, spirit-renewing power, that sets on fire the life
of God within a believer. Those who are born from above are transformed
in an undeniable way. It does not have to happen in a church through a
human mediator although this occurs often enough. One must believe and
knows he believes and then ask for that gift from God. That is how it
works. No one can force us to believe. It is a process that God guides
within us. Christian religious 'worship' services today contain a mixture of some gospel teaching along with much human augmentation. This mixture serves to confound the simplicity and freedom that is in Christ. Jesus Christ paid the penalty for all the sins of all humanity on the cross. He has made the way for each man, woman, and child to come to God and become a new kind of being in Him. (2nd Corinthians 5:17.) Jesus does not force us to believe. It is a choice to be made. We can continue to struggle to bear our own sins and grief. Or we can bring them to the One who promises to bear our burdens. An exchange awaits, hope for hopelessness, freedom from bondage, peace, joy and liberty in God's presence. My hope and prayer is that those seeking truth, both Christian and non Christian will continue in the life giving word which opens the door to the Kingdom of God. May the God of all creation reveal Himself to you in order for you to continue to bring forth His kingdom. Searching For God
and Byways in the Quest While we are shopping the smorgasbord of religion there are many choices. How will you choose? What are your criteria for making these choices? Can we choose using our own intellectual motivation ? Those who are proud of their intellectual achievements will probably choose wrongly; since they will choose to remain in control of their own lives through the exalted faculty of reason. The wise of this world say, "Only a fool denies reason." Some religions make no demands upon us to give up any of our idols, pride, sins, or hatred. We are well satisfied with who we are, with our name, rank, and achievements. We can be puffed up with our own sense of superiority, looks, talents or strengths; How can we choose to believe something which asks us to, "deny yourself, take up a cross and follow Christ?" How do we choose a belief system which states, "In myself, I can do nothing;" or "unless a seed falls and dies it abides alone, but if dies it brings forth much?" Is there any beauty in sacrificing our egoistic selves? How can we as 21st Century beings, choose to decrease to ourselves and choose that which is meek and lowly of heart, not arrayed the outward fashions and finery/ Can we give up displaying intellectual cleverness, and personal flamboyance? "He had no beauty that we should desire Him." (Isaiah 53:3) So we seek. We shop and we look and we ask about. During this time we continue to retain as much self control, self satisfaction, and personal liberty as any other human seeker. When does the seeking come to an end? Is their a priceless pearl to be found? What is the nature of this pearl of great value? How do I begin my quest for God? Scripture asks this question, "What does a profit someone to gain the whole world but lose his or her soul?" There is a risk associated with a search that is incomplete. There is a risk associated with substituting the true with the counterfeit and the living with something tainted with corruption and death. There is indeed a true Gospel, having the right Jesus, the right Gospel and the right Spirit. (2Cor 11:3) There is are counterfeit gospels, awaiting any who choose an alternative to the previous 3 criteria. Among these alternatives lies the way to deception or possible destruction. In this process of seeking, some who hear the message, come to believe in the Lord Jesus, Yeshua of Nazareth called the Messiah or Christ.) The Word of God declares, "Those who seek will find." Those who seek and continue seeking, will find that pearl of inestimable value. It remains hidden to those who are lost. Great hunger is rewarded with satisfying 'manna' from God and great thirst is rewarded with a satisfying drink that Jesus called 'living water.' Many others never come to believe in or profess biblical Christianity but another belief system. The way of the Christian life once discovered provides a feast for the body, soul and spirit, a feast that brings eternal satisfaction, the knowledge of the friendship of Jesus is thirst satisfying indeed. The Way, however, remains a narrow one, it is self limiting. It does not accommodate those who wish to retain their own intellectual baggage in, this burden of extraneous stuff must be unloaded. Who among seekers is willing to do this? Who are really sincere and not looking at a superficial curiosity level. Jesus has counseled to walk the crucified life. Daily carrying our cross, dying to self, turning from the raucous cries that would distract us in this world. I am reminded of the interview which King Herod of Judea attempted to have with Jesus on the occasion of Jesus' trial and Pilate's disposition of this matter of legality. What possible need or interest could this powerful, worldly, self indulgent, sensuous monarch have in questioning Jesus, the Messiah of the Jews? Herod had indeed heard of Jesus. He had heard of his influence upon the people and heard of the signs and wonders worked by his hand. Herod probably was reminded of John the Baptist whose head was the price paid for his stepdaughter Salome's sensuous dance performance. Vain curiosity was probably the motivating factor. Herod may have had some guilt or even fears associated with destroying the non conformist, unyielding, cooperative prophet, John the Baptist.
Herod interviews
Jesus: The world against the spirit The Doorway of Repentance, Awareness of our Sinful Nature Eventually in the course of our Spiritual quest we may be convinced of our need for a Savior and the need of salvation. From that point we can change directions in our lives. This is what repentance means. It doesn’t happen over night. The grave clothes of sin and uncleanness fall off gradually. In my case, I had reached a crossroad in my middle years that brought me to 'an end of myself:' When my need was greatest I was reduced to desperation. I finally was willing to take the next step to cry out, "Jesus, have mercy on me!" So? Where the inquiry will take you. Will it be into the wilderness; outside of worldly distractions, where intimacy with God is finally revealed? Or will you be lured into the another religious wilderness imbued with worldly values having no intimacy with God, having no power to fulfill Christ's hope and calling. (2 Timothy 3) "The Gospel Without Religion" is a series of commentaries compiled from my study of the "Word of God" and personal spiritual insights and experiences. I was not always a believer. Before I became a believer, I was the same as many of you. I followed a form of godliness; I was religious. I was actively involved in familiar church denominations yet without knowing Christ. Nominal Christians are called by any of hundreds of denominational tags, not realizing that Christ is One Spiritual body. Like most religious people they are mostly without a true witness of our own spiritual nature and destiny. We had a notion that God is real but could not be certain. Hebrews 6:3 is a great proof scripture that explains how to begin the pathway to becoming a Christ follower: If any would come to God, they must first believe that He Is and rewards those who diligently seek Him. Too few know that being a Christian is more than just attending church, more than learning a catechism, more than going through a rite of membership. Being a Christian is not an intellectual assent to a doctrine or belief where you can say, "Yes that sounds like it might be true, I guess I will join up and become one of them. "You don't join an institution or a church to become a Christian, rather, you are "translated" into becoming a son or daughter of God. You are translated into a different kingdom and a different reality; You become a new order of being. You are translated from death into life, from darkness into light. We who once cared nothing for the life and nature of God now not only share in that life but are consumed by it. It is a work that God does in us and not one that we do by our own effort. The kingdom of darkness has an agenda, to steal, to kill and to destroy, especially a believer. The spirit of the world is a spirit of self exaltation and pride. Of course modern thought and psychology discredits belief in spirits as a primitive and obsolete belief system. However, it is to be noted that Jesus the Messiah came to "destroy the works of the devil," Satan, the ruler of all fallen beings. It is God's ultimate purpose to restore the proper line of earthly rule under the dominion of Jesus Christ. In due time, nations will recognize him as the Holy One of God, appointed Lord of all things. Evil or wrong spirits include, pride, rebellion, witchcraft, defilement, sensuality, gluttony, drunkenness, etc. A common Secular Argument: One god Equals Any Other The broad minded, ecumenical world would like to assert that any god is essentially on a par with any other. They declare that there are many paths and they all eventually lead us to the sublime higher One. Today, I am a Christian believer, but was not always so. Disillusioned by religion, sensing its superficiality, the hypocrisies, and lacking any proof in the God of the Bible I went on searching and doubting, and trusting that I was good enough not to fall into condemnation if and when I came face to face with my Creator. I had heard the term "Good News" referring the Gospel of the Messiah Yeshua. But my experience in Christianity was valued only in a sentimental way. I had memories of church experiences with my family in youth. During these days I would have welcomed the experience of something that was real, powerful and persuasive. This, I believe, is exactly where so many seeking people are at today. Hopeful, wanting to believe, but without proof that God is real or reachable. My religious experience offered no proof of God's reality. I never was taught that any Gospel must be expressed as the Power of God and able to transform human life! The Gospel, is called the power of God (1Corinthians 1;2-5). The power of Grace powerfully persuades us to believe. Our God of love can impact human lives in remarkable life-changing ways that exist out of the realm of church life. This Gospel is not a shallow, tradition-ruled religion. Rather it reveals knowing God as Savior and Sovereign of the universe. Even more amazingly, the Bible proves itself to be entirely believable and consistent in spite of its progressive detractors. Today when I about a God who walked with man in a spiritually perfect world, called Eden I believe it. When I hear of a God who did wonders in the days of Moses or the prophets I do not doubt that fact for one moment! When I read the infallible prophecies by appointed men of God who declared the end from the beginning I have no doubt in the veracity of any of those words! God spoke through prophets with inerrant accuracy to declare the Messiah and his mission to redeem fallen humanity and all these prophecies came and are coming to pass. Jesus as the lamb of God came to close the divide between God and humanity. The resurrection of Jesus, as irrational and scientifically unsound as it sounds on the surface, remains the foundation of Christianity. It is the resurrection that establishes the "Power of the Gospel" and enables any believer to partake in Christ’s divine nature. Christian religions sects, including, Catholicism, LDS Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and most of the protestant denominations distort the simple Gospel. They bring forth errant doctrines, formalism, and human authority. Roman Catholicism is notorious in having church traditions replace Biblical Truth. (See the characteristics of Religion in Chapter2; "The attributes of Religion."
Think about religion.
What usually comes to mind? Churches, temples, mosques, buildings and
their congregations. These do have something in common formal ceremonies,
authorized leaders. It is here that we learn obligations or extraneous
formalities that are called worship and proper doctrine. Much of this
is contrary to true Gospel and the apostolic epistles which are foundational
in the New Testament Christianity. My prayer is that this teaching will
take you further in experiencing the Almighty and his free gift of salvation.