Have An Art Curriculum?
activities engage the student on four distinct levels all of which combine
to enhance outcomes in both understanding and abilities.
The first of these is "seeing art," viewing and awareness of art in our everyday surroundings. All art bears the unique imprint of the person, time and place where it was created (style). Works of art are read and interpreted. Just as language has its own symbols and vocabulary, art also has its vocabulary of visual and design elements through which thought, emotion and experience are conveyed. Creative thinking and selection is an important part of the creative process. Step by step decisions are made from infinite possibilities to develop the idea. The creative process is full of higher levels of thinking including evaluation. The final outcome will be personal, unpredictable and varied. Art production is the most tangible evidence of art education. This art making engages the hands and mind with a variety of materials from which art can be fashioned. Students will grow in distinct skills associated with the various media and become knowledgeable about issues of safety associated with art tools. Communicating through art is the fourth domain of understanding. Symbols and form are interpreted in the visual language of art and design. Visual art vocabulary enables the student to express concepts of visual art and design. The feeling and expression qualities of art works will be interpreted. Sensitivity to
the visual world and a lifelong interest in the arts will be fostered
by taking part in artistic endeavors and investigation of books as well
as other printed and electronic media. K-12 Outcomes & Goals.wpdWheaton Art CurriculumComments for Classroom Teachers K-5 What is the difference between the Visual art elements, and the Design elements? The visual elements, line, shape, form, color, tone, texture and space represent the purely visual components (elements), while the design elements, variety, unity, contrast, emphasis, rhythm, balance, movement, pattern, and proportion, suggest relationships and interactivity between the elements or the effects of the elements with other elements. What is the source of ideas that artist pursue? All art comes from an idea or a motivation. Individual interests and personality is central to art. It is clear that not all people think alike, therefore, we are challenged to probe the thought and motivation of others through their art. Does
art have a value? Regarding observation skills. Observation takes
stock of life around us. Most everyone has some kind of awareness of
the world around us but not all take time to respond to our world and
its meaning. The artist however makes an effort to respond and to make
a commentary about his or her world.